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We need your help | What's new in Swetrix in April?

Hello, reader. This is the first article of the monthly Swetrix digest where we tell you what changed this month, what are we planning to do and other related news. But firstly...

We need your help to translate the project.

Swetrix is an open-source project and we rely a lot on the community and people who help us. We're a small team with limited resources and can't afford freelancers to translate the project into different languages, so in the translation part, we fully rely on our community.

Swetrix translation progress Swetrix translation progress

In this list are the languages we currently support and need your translation help. If you're willing to contribute, you can do so by going to our Crowdin page and submitting your translations. If you're willing to contribute but don't see your language in that list, please contact us.

Thanks a lot, and now let's talk about the changelog..

What's new in April

User flow functionality

User flow diagram User flow diagram

One of the biggest features we added this month is user flow. By using this functionality you can track user interactions and navigation patterns throughout your application, providing valuable insights for optimising user experience and engagement.
To access the user flow diagram please go to the project Dashboard, find the Page panel and click on the diagram icon there!
To track user flow, you have to upgrade Swetrix NPM library to version v2.2.1 or higher. If you're using Swetrix via the swetrix.org tracking script - no actions are required from your side.

Google & Github SSO

Now you can register or log in to your Swetrix account via Github or Google. You can also link your SSO provider of choice in Account settings to ease the login process. And as always, all of this is cookieless and open-source.

Dashboard redesign

This is how the new Dashboard looks like This is how the new Dashboard looks like

We fully redesigned our Dashboard page, no more junk data or 2015 design vibes, now it all looks clear and brings you bird's eye insights on your connected websites.
We also improved the dark theme colours throughout the application and optimised the project Dashboard page for larger screens.

Smaller but nonetheless important updates.

  1. Added an ability to view custom events on the chart, now you can not only see that some custom event happened, but understand WHEN such custom event happened.
  2. Added an ability to transfer a project from one account to another.
  3. Added an ability to partially delete project-related analytics data.
  4. Added sorting functionality to the Custom Events panel.
  5. Added pagination for Custom events panel in Dashboard.
  6. Fully rewritten the frontend part of Swetrix to TypeScript - now the application is much more stable and easier to maintain.
  7. utm_* parameters in the dashboard are now displayed as decoded URL values (i.e. %20 is replaced with a space, %3D is replaced with an equal sign, etc.).
  8. Fixed some minor bugs related to the live visitors counter and the CAPTCHA configuration page.
  9. Fixed a bug when the app was crashing due to 'ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk N failed' error. Now in case of such an error, the app will reload the page automatically for one time.
  10. Fixed broken alignment of the action buttons in the dashboard.
  11. Fixed an issue when the selected time bucket or period was not remembered and used after the page reload.

What's planned

The following month we are going to add much cooler features to Swetrix, you'll be able to compare your statistics over time, add annotations to charts, receive alerts for custom events and more!
All of this would not be possible without you so that you for putting your trust in us and using Swetrix!