Understand the story behind your customer clicks and scrolls

Get all the insights you need about your users and website visitors without the hassle of showing cookie banners. Experience intuitive, easy-to-use and GDPR-compliant web analytics without invading the privacy of your visitors.

> 1000 people understand their users
Swetrix Analytics dashboard

Most people struggle to make sense of their analytics data

Many web analytics solutions are either too complex and overwhelming, or too simple and don't provide enough insight. Business owners don't understand their customers and lose money.


Business owner collects web data


Overwhelmed by complex dashboards or limited by oversimplified metrics


Makes uninformed decisions, missing opportunities for growth

But there is a solution...

Know your customers and users

Swetrix Traffic Dashboard

Get insights into your traffic

Swetrix helps you understand everything you need to know about your website traffic. Know how many people are online, what pages are most popular, where are your users from, and more.

Website speed and performance monitoring

Understand your site's pain points

Nobody likes slow websites. Users are more likely to abandon your website if it takes too long to load, stay ahead of these problems and measure insights from real interactions.

Complete customisation

Missing a feature? We will build it :) You can also build your own features or install 3rd party add-ons from our Extensions Marketplace.

Works with any platform

With dozens of integrations, Swetrix makes it easy to connect your website and know your users, out of the box.

Операційна система
Тривалість сесії

Pageview /home

Pageview /product

Event SALE

Session analysis

Analyse the sessions of your website users and make data-driven decisions.

Swetrix has been a game changer for our analytics. They've always been on top of feature requests and bug reports and have been friendly every step of the way. I can't recommend them enough.

Alex Bowles

Co-founder of Casterlabs

Only the features you need

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Hello there, We use cookies!


This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website

Please accept our cookies to continue using our website.


Forget about annoying cookie banners

Swetrix does not use cookies for tracking, so you can forget about all those annoying cookie banners. We collect analytical data anonymously to respect the privacy of your users. We do not collect personal identifiers and do not perform cross-device tracking.

Analyse marketing campaigns and newsletters

Use UTMs to tag your ads, social media posts and email campaigns to see how much traffic they generate and how much revenue they bring in.

Website speed and performance monitoring

User flows & marketing funnels

Track how users get to your site and know where they go. Study behaviour, visualise and understand your user journey.

Website speed and performance monitoring

E-commerce & Custom events (really easy to setup)

Send custom events with custom properties to track user activity or sales. Analyse this data with ease in our intuitive dashboard. Create reusable views to quickly see and spot trends in your sales.

Просте ціноутворення на основі трафіку

Спробуйте Swetrix на своєму сайті протягом 14 днів - абсолютно безкоштовно. Кредитна картка не потрібна. Ніяких зобов'язань.


Подій в місяць

Частота оплати

Що включено

  • До 10,000 відвідувань на місяць
  • Додавайте до 50 вебсайтів
  • 50 правил сповіщення
  • Аналіз потоку користувачів
  • Необмежений експорт даних
  • 100% володіння даними
  • Моніторинг продуктивності
  • Настроювані панелі керування
  • Звіти

Необхідно відстежувати понад 10 мільйонів подій в місяць? Зв'яжіться з нами, щоб обговорити деталі!

Analytics needs on all of our products are provided by Swetrix only. It's unfathomable how good this service is compared to Google Analytics. Swetrix gives me everything I need to know about my websites.

Alper Alkan

Co-founder of Phalcode

Swetrix open source

We are open source

Встановіть Swetrix на ваші власні сервери - вихідний код доступний для всіх.

Take part in the development of Swetrix - contribute by suggesting improvements, reporting bugs or developing new features.

We are a customer-first company, and transparency is our top priority.

Настав час позбутися Google Аналітики.

Втомилися від розчарувань, складності та проблем з приватністю Google Аналітики? Ми також. Саме тому ми створили Swetrix - етичну, відкриту і повністю cookie-free альтернативу.

Почніть безкоштовно
Swetrix Analytics dashboard